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Create New Client ID

Suppose we want to create a "New" client.  The same client name/code can be used for any and all protocol classes (Alpha-Theta, BetaSMR, etc.).


After selecting Create New Client ID, we get the screen below:



Here are shown existing client codes (and corresponding full names). Client codes are 1 to 31 characters with no embedded spaces or special characters. The desired client codename is entered into the (initially pink) box. You cannot create a client code name in incorrect format (the pink background will let you know it is incorrect/not allowed).


When you have created a code name, this window will pop up to allow entry of a full name:



Here you can enter up to 64 characters (with spaces if desired) as the full name of the client.


Next, you must enter the birth date of the client in MM/DD/YYYY format:



Next, you must enter the biological sex code for the client (M/F):


You must then select the first Protocol Class for the client.