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Tailor installed games



Tailoring the game list allows user flexibility in defining games and options for use. Retrieving a game list resets those games and variations whose basic definitions have changed on the game computer (different sound files, etc.). Selecting this option brings up a selection screen for games to tailor:



The buttons at the bottom allow the game titles to be moved up or down, to be deleted (from the selection list until the next 'retrieve games'), or to be edited. Selecting the edit button gives something like this:



The "What You want to call this tailored game" field is what the "title" of the game will be on the therapist game selection menu. Options can be changed/specified by clicking anywhere on the applicable line. The buttons at the bottom allow modification of this selection or creation of a new selection (hopefully with a new legend and new options) to appear on the game selection menu.


The "Save all games" button on the tailoring screen saves a new game selection menu for later use in Begin Session or Replay modes.