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If "Export summary data" is selected, a client selection screen will pop up to allow specifying a client .



After selecting the client, a window will appear allowing the selection of multiple summary files for the specified client.



When the OK button is pressed, each of the selected summary files will be exported to the C:\EEGer\Export directory. Each file will have the same (root) filename as the summary file (identified by codename and a date-number unique code) but have a .CSV (comma-separated-variable) extension. These .CSV files are suitable for direct import/opening by Microsoft Excel or other similar programs.


The .CSV files have one row of headers and one row for each second of data. Each row has as many columns as are defined in the headers.  The structure comes from the layout/trace-count of the data as recorded.


If the Export Results! Data option is selected, the  client selection window and session selection is made exactly like the Export Summary Data process (above) except that the output files go to the Results! directory specified in the setup configuration.  The format of the .CSV  files is specific to the Results! program.


If the Export raw data in EDF+ format option is selected, the client selection window and session selection is made exactly like the Export Summary Data process (above).  The output files are in EDF+ format.  Filenames are related to the original raw file but have additional letters denoting which set of data is contained in the file.  Please contact Customer Support for more information on the content and uses of the EDF+ data.