Contents - Index

Appendix 9: Space Race Description




by Wayforward™





As the name suggests, SpaceRace is a game where three rockets race through space.  The positions of the rockets are driven by the inhibit and reward band amplitudes, with engine plumes showing amplitude and speed increasing with amplitude.  


Inhibit conditions cut off the audio and thrust of the center ('reward') spaceship making it fall back in the race.  The thermal bars at the top of the screen correspond to the amplitude of the inhibit and reward bands.  The bar at the bottom of the screen indicates how long optimal focus is being sustained (maintaining above threshold reward signal with no inhibits).


Sustained focus causes hyperspace to be entered with appropriate graphics and sounds.  Various planets and jewels also appear as reward.  



Game Option:  Choose the pilot


- Access the pilot selection screen by pressing the left mouse button on the client computer while the game is at the "loading" screen.


- Highlight pilots by pressing the right mouse button.  (Each right-click selects a new pilot)


- Select pilot by pressing the left mouse button.

(This feature just adds a little entertainment, but has no actually effect on the game).