Contents - Index

Appendix 24:  Game Tailoring Options


All tailoring options have a unique number (prefix).  Each unique number refers to a specific function which is common to all games which have that option.  Not every option is present or available for every game.


   2: What You want to call this tailored game

This is the text that appears on the Therapist selection screen and NOT what appears on the client Game Menu.

   3: Protocol classes for this game

Selects which protocol classes this game is available for.  Usually SMR and EXP since there is only one Alpha-Theta game.

   4: Run time in seconds for each period

The length of each run period.  Note that mazes and 4mation (among others) have the option to terminate a period when the 'game' completes.  Default is 170 seconds.

   5: Pause time in seconds between periods

This is the rest time between run periods.  Default is 10 seconds.

   9: Provide reward scoring

This option allows reward scoring (beeps) to occur.

  30: Frequency step when using Ctrl-up/down arrows

Selects the frequency step size when changing reward frequencies.  Note that this only works if you have selected a filter set in the Setup settings that supports the step size.

  80: Minimum seconds between reward sounds/counts

Sets the minimum time between possible reward counts/beeps.

  81: Minimum seconds on reward task before reward

Sets the minimum time that a rewardable state must be maintained before a reward/beep is commanded.  Setting this too long will make rewarding very difficult since the measure is CONTINUOUS rewardable state.  This action can be turned on/off during a session using the Ctrl-F2 option.

  83: Percentage on-task time required for reward

Sets the minimum overall reward percentage to be maintained before a reward/beep is commanded.  This action can be turned on/off during a session using the Ctrl-F2 option.

  90: Maximum data recorded (in minutes)

Specifies how much storage is reserved for a session.  Only this much data will be recorded.  The maximum time is 90 minutes for a session.  This time starts when the realtime session begins and ends when the realtime session exits.

  91: Seconds to lock out rewards after maxartifacts

This specifies how long to monitor for artifacts and how long to inhibit rewards when the artifact count is exceeded.  Intended to keep clients from artificially increasing the number of points scored by deliberately causing artifacts.

  92: Number of artifacts during holdofftime to trigger reward lockout

Sets how many artifacts during the above specified time triggers the artifact reward inhibit.

101: Time constant for filter smoothing

Selects filter smoothing time constant.  Usually 0.5 seconds.  Larger values slow down reward/inhibit responses.

190: Show score count during periods

Display/not display the score count DURING a period.

200: Show inhibit channels

Display/not display inhibit data (if game supports this).  In any case, no inhibit data will be sent anyway to the game is this is set to 0.

210: Show score screen during pauses

Show/not show score screen during pauses.

1080: Colorset to use for game frequency-specific colors

Specify which user-configured color set to use.  Only spectral mirror and long-term displays use this at the current time.

1090: Mode used for spike detection

One of the spike detector modes.  Available modes are:


  In Period   - display on therapist display, sound  triggered on game if in feedback

  Always     - display on therapist display, sound  triggered on game at any time

    Just Show - display on therapist display


1091: Seconds to wait after spike to see if its really artifact

How long to wait after spike to see if its really an artifact.

1100: Image directory to use

Specify which image directory to get pictures from.

1101: List of possible directories

(Game Initialization Tool) Selection of possible directories to use at tailoring time.

1130: Filling last grid ends period

Option to end a period when the grid/picture completes.

1131: Grid filling style

Select grid fill mode - Ordered (left to right, top to bottom), Random, Weighted (random first grid selection then fill adjoining grids).

1133: Random sequence of files, not alphabetical

Specify random ordering of files.

1134: Image hold time (seconds) before score screen comes up

Specify how long a completed image is displayed before (possible) score screen appears.

1140: Grid size (0 for autosize)

A non-zero value forces a MxM rectangular grid for every image.  Zero value picks random width/height sizes between specified limits below.

1141: Minimum grid x size (0, 2-25)

1142: Maximum grid x size (25)

1143: Minimum grid y size (0, 2-25)

1144: Maximum grid y size (25)

1145: Show first element of reveal at beginning

(dkgame) Shows first piece of a grid before the first reward.

1146: Show game rule conditions

(dkgame) Displays rule conditions during  menu display.

1150: Seconds needed to remain on task

(Jumpbox) Maximum seconds allowed between rewards to keep chip moving.

1164: Swap alpha and theta sounds

(Alpha-Theta) Swaps water/ocean sounds.

1165: Transition rate for alpha/theta state change

(Alpha-Theta) Selects transition rate for state change.  This can also be changed during A-T sessions using the volume control popup.

1170: 1 for classic game appearance, 0 otherwise

(Boxlights, Jumpbox, Highway, Island)

1171: 1 for warm, 2 for cold, 0 for color dependency

(Boxlights, Jumpbox, Highway, Island)

1172: 1 for frog image instead of boring black bars



1200: Timer for expected reward rate

(dkgame) Seconds allowed between rewards before previous image pieces are UNdisplayed.  This action can be toggled on/off  during a session using the S popup menu.

1301: Not show happy face at completion of maze


1402: Draw longterm display lines double-high


1403: Time width of long-term window


1404: Label lines with trace numbers


1700: Which artwork to use as overlay (0-3)

(DVDGame) Which overlay image to use for overlay mode.

1701: What kind of video control to use


1702: Time (seconds) to go from worst to best video

(DVDGame) How long to transition from complete obscuration to completely clear video when in a rewardable state.

1703: Time (seconds) to go from best to worst video

(DVDGame) How long to transition from completely clear to completely obscured when NOT in a rewardable state.

1704: Minimum worst video percentage

(DVDGame) Worst obscuration percentage (video will never be obscured more than this percentage).

1706: Percentage of border size

(DVDGame) (not  currently used)

1707: Pause video during pause

(DVDGame) Pause DVD playback when ever in PAUSE or STAGE state.

1708: Enable feedback sounds in addition to DVD soundtrack

(DVDGame) Provide normal EEGer sound feedback in addition to DVD sound.  This includes reward sounds as well as all the other sound modes.


2020: List of possible sounds

(Game Initialization Tool) List of possible sound files to select during tailoring.

2021: Pathname of reward sound

Full path of selected reward sound.

2023: Which L/R speaker the reward sound comes from

Sounds can come from the Left/Right/Both/Alternating speakers.

2024: Pathname of success sound

Full path of success sound for games which have a "success" condition.

2025: Which L/R speaker the success sound comes from

Sounds can come from the Left/Right/Both speakers.

2026: Maximum seconds for alternating reward sounds

If Alternating sounds was selected, specifies how many seconds from beginning of period that the alternation continues.  After that time, sounds come from Both speakers.

2029: Sound channel for spike sound

Sound channel number for spike sound.

2030: Pathname of sound 0

Full pathname of a sound file

2031: Sound 0 play mode

Sound play modes are described in the Sound Controls appendix of the documentation.

2032: Which L/R speaker sound 0 comes from

Sounds can come from the Left/Right/Both speakers.

2033: Which strand feeds sound 0

Specifies which data path controls the sound action.  This is described in the Sound Controls appendix of the documentation.

2034: Pathname of sound 1

2035: Sound 1 play mode

2036: Which L/R speaker sound 1 comes from

2037: Which strand feeds sound 1

2038: Pathname of sound 2

2039: Sound 2 play mode

2040: Which L/R speaker sound 2 comes from

2041: Which strand feeds sound 2

2042: Pathname of sound 3

2043: Sound 3 play mode

2044: Which L/R speaker sound 3 comes from

2045: Which strand feeds sound 3

2046: Pathname of sound 4

2047: Sound 4 play mode

2048: Which L/R speaker sound 4 comes from

2049: Which strand feeds sound 4

2050: Pathname of sound 5

2051: Sound 5 play mode

2052: Which L/R speaker sound 5 comes from

2053: Which strand feeds sound 5

2060: 6 comma-separated overall percentage enable points


2160: Sound file for alpha reward

Pathname of Alpha-Theta alpha reward (high-pitched bell)

2161: Sound file for theta reward

Pathname of A-T theta reward (low-pitched gong)

2162: Sound file for alpha state

Pathname of A-T alpha state (running stream)

2163: Sound file for theta state

Pathname of A-T theta state (ocean waves)

3000: Maximum number of strands to use


3001: Maximum number of inhibit channels to use


3002: Maximum number of reward channels to use


3003: Maximum number of sounds to use


4888: (GTOOL ONLY) Game name title order

Controls display order on the Client game menu